Get all the channels you love at the same low price for two years.
Offer valid only for new customers and previous customers who qualify. Important terms and conditions: All offers require credit qualification, 2-year contract with an early disconnection charge and electronic invoicing with automatic payment. Advance activation and / or equipment improvement charges may apply based on credit rating. The offer ends on 4/9/2025. 2-year commitment: An early disconnection fee of $20 for each remaining month applies if the service is canceled in advance. Included in the 2-year price guarantee with an advertised price of $64.99: DishLATINO Plus programming package, Hopper Duo DVR for 1 TV and HD service. Does not include transmission of local channels. After 2 years the regular monthly charges in force by the DVR and the receiver will apply. 2-year price guarantee requires credit qualification and 2-year commitment and covers core programming, local networks, and equipment.
Terms and ConditionsLocations
Krass Marketing
2548 Shasta Way Klamath Falls, Or 97603
Klamath Falls, OR 97601
Phone: 541-884-5284
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Acme Satellites es un Vendedor Autorizado de televisión por satélite de DISH, especializado en televisión por satélite y servicio de Internet. Acme Satellites es tu opción local para obtener el servicio DISH!